Dadras-Momeni Attractor

Quite recently found by the electrical engineers Sara Dadras and Hamid Momeni in 2009, this attractor is special because it changes its scrollness when varying just one parameter.1 At \(c = 4.7\), the chaotic attractor shows just two wings, at \(c = 3.9\) it suddenly evolves four scroll-like wings and at \(c = 1.7\) it goes back to tree scrolls. Around these values several things happen:

  • \(0 < c \le 0.77\): single stable point
  • \(0.77 < c \le 1.5\): single stable oscillation
  • \(1.5 < c \le 4.45\): chaos
  • \(4.45 < c < 5.17\): several regions of stable oscillations with chaotic outbreaks inbetween
  • \(5.17 \le c < 7\): multiple stable limit cycles



Differential system:

\[\dot{x} = y - a\, x + b\, y\, z\] \[\dot{y} = z + c\, x - x\, z\] \[\dot{z} = d\, x\, y - h\, z\]


\[a = 3\] \[b = 2.7\] \[c = 1.7\] \[d = 2\] \[h = 9\]



As above, \(c = 3.9\).


  1. S. Dadras and H. R. Momeni, 2009. "A novel three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system generating two, three and four-scroll attractors". Phys. Let. A. 373(40). doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2009.07.088