A Few Noteworthy Updates

| 2 mins | Bob
tags: journal, opinion, politics, studying, book, science-fiction

Good day everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve posted something on this blog, sorry for that. So, what happened in the meantime you may ask? Well, in short:

  1. parliamentary elections in Germany
  2. completed some study modules
  3. rendered more attractors
  4. buried myself in CPCB
  5. absorbed three Revelation Space books

German Elections

Some say it was a major re-orientation, some say that too little has changed. I’m of the latter fraction, and not just because of the sole reason that almost a quarter of voters either didn’t care if the resulting chancellor would be an absolute retard or didn’t recognise how plain stupid he is. Both cases raise concern for me. But why did it happen? Well probably a mix of ignorance, tradition, change aversion and something we call “Nationalstolz”. Now, the retard didn’t win the election, but he still wants to become chancellor! Just like the American guy, he doesn’t accept his failure and nags around, digging for arguments. Disgusting.

Study Progress

I completed a few of my last study modules, like complex thermal separations, process automation and economy. Economy? Oh dear, I had to write a lengthy essay and I hated it. But the trickster that I am has found a workaround by taking ExxonMobil as an example of dirty petrol industry, unethical exploitation of Third World countries and decades-long climate change denial. All of which I pretended to just be interested in because of economical effects – absolutely not the case.

Attractor Renders

They are in this gallery and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read my posts here and here.

Pickover’s CPCB

Recently, I got my hands on a copy of Clifford Pickover’s great book “Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty”. The urge desire to replicate the contained beautiful images resulted in several days coffee-only diet and not taking my eyes off the screen or scribble paper for longer than absolutely necessary. You can find some of the graphics I generated here.

Revelation Space

I also started reading books from the Revelation Space universe by Alastair Reynolds – huge fan of it! After finishing “Revelation Space”, I continued with “Redemption Ark” and while I was waiting for the next books to arrive, the novel collection “Diamond Dogs and Turqoise Days” was a quick read. Next up will be “Chasm City” for me which is not the third book of the original trilogy but I couldn’t find a nearby seller who has the correct edition of “Absolution Gap” in stock. Yes, I like to have matching versions in my shelf, and I’d rather wait or pay more than taking a copy that is visually completely different. So, 2000 pages in and roughly 3300 ahead of me – I’m excited.

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updated on 2022-11-30